



    In a couple of days, I could split my time to write this diary. I proceed studying as I planed. But, I dont still buy a book of indutrial bookkeeping, so I cant do that field today. I'll buy that tomorrow. Only 3 weeks left until the exam. I feel little nurvous about it. And, I cant answer a questions of the contents about hardest part of commercial bookkeeping, I have to make it perfectly.

    I easily get into anything and really like cooking. So, If I get into cooking something, I cook it every time I eat in a week. In these 3 days, I got into Carbonara and read many recipes of it. While reading these recipe, I have one thing that I worried. That is almost all of these ingredients have a "pancetta" and "parmigiano reggiano". We dont have these and cant afford to buying these. Because of these reasons, I feel little bit sad. Actually, withouy these expensive ingredients, I could make carbonara tasty. So, I'll try to not worry about it.

(10min to write) 





